
We sure could use your help.  If you are interested in helping out in any way, please let us know!  

We need help with…

Being a Ride Leader
All Ride leaders will be provide detailed maps and routes before the event as well as guidance and support (emotional and psychiatric!), you would be leading a group (what ever style you prefer) and be responsible for getting them from Point A to Point B.  

Being a Tail Gunner
You are responsible for communicating to your ride leader when you reach stops, turns, stop lights, and will act as a “backup” ride leader in the event the group get’s separated.  Tail Gunners ride at the end of the group and make sure all the cats stay in line.

Be a Cat Herder
A loud voice is required to herd cats, you would be responsible for keeping the group on time and focused before, during and after stops.  Assist the Ride Leaders, and event organizers to get people moving and focused.  This frees up the Ride Leader and Tail Gunners to focus on the ride instead of people!

At the start of each day, all participants (drivers and passengers) will be required to have completed the registration and waiver, your job will be to make sure we have it completed for everyone.  You’ll need to be at the meetup locations a bit early to make sure you have enough time to get everyone checked off the list/marked.  Once the rides start, your duties are over (until the next day).