Autocycles (Slingshots)


All riders 20yrs of age and younger are required to wear a helmet.


It is recommended that all riders wear helmets. 

People are not required to comply with the motorcycle helmet law in the state of Tennessee when riding autocycles that are fully enclosed. An autocycle is a three-wheeled motorcycle that is equipped with safety belts, a steering wheel, and non-straddle seating, and is manufactured to comply with federal safety requirements for motorcycles.

NOTE: Tennessee does not define “fully enclosed” and there has been a history of misconceptions by State Troopers on this definition.  There is no clear guidance and there is a history of some law enforcement interpreting the law as requiring “sides, a roof and not simply rollbars”, and others consider a non-removable roof to be adequate.


It is recommended that all riders wear helmets. 

Every person operating a motorcycle or autocycle shall wear a face shield, safety glasses or goggles, or have his motorcycle or autocycle equipped with safety glass or a windshield at all times while operating the vehicle, and operators and any passengers thereon shall wear protective helmets. Operators and passengers riding on motorcycles with wheels of eight inches or less in diameter or in three-wheeled motorcycles or autocycles that have nonremovable roofs, windshields, and enclosed bodies shall not be required to wear protective helmets.

NOTE: The law does not specify what constitutes an “enclosed body.”  Most native Virginian’s will tell you that as long as you have a non-removable roof, you should be ok to skip the helmet, but do so at your own risk.

West Virginia

All riders are required to wear helmets.



All riders 20yrs of age and younger are required to wear a helmet.

Motorcycle type vehicles not requiring helmets are mopeds, defined by the state as having an engine displacement of 50 cc or less, brake horsepower of 2 or less, and maximum speed of 30 mph


All riders are required to wear helmets.


All riders are required to wear helmets.

West Virginia

All riders are required to wear helmets.