
Everyone is welcome to join us on the road!  Let's start with an easy question first... What kind of vehicle will you be riding in during the event?

How do you approach Curves?

You are coming up on some curves ahead and the sign has a "35 Mph" rider on the bottom of it.  What do you normally do?

When you ride in a group.  How do you travel with other drivers in front of you, and behind you?  

When on the open highway at 55Mph, what distance do you follow the rider in front of you?

When you are out with a group, get lost, and are on some deep, back road where there is no civilization in sight, and you hear banjo's playing.... how are your skills navigating your way home?

You are on a 2 lane road, the speed limit says 55Mph and there is no one else around.  What speed do you normally travel at?

Some people like to be in the front, some in the back, others don't care where they are as long as they are having fun.  If someone is close behind you and wants to pass, how do you approach it?

There are many types of group rides.  Do you prefer a more technical ride where your arms ache at the end of the day, or a scenic ride where you get to see the countryside?

Last but not least... we are almost done.  What does a double yellow line mean to you when driving?