Riding Groups

33% or less!

The Ass Haulers

If you are slow, you will be left behind.  This group does NOT have a tail gunner.  Each rider is responsible for themselves and must be able to navigate the route solo if left behind. 
YOU belong in this group only if YOU….

  • Think posted speed limits on curves are for someone else.

  • Can handle your own track and map guidance

  • Are ok being separated from the group 

  • are OK if passed because you are too slow.

This group will be…

  • The first group to depart

  • Voted most likely to get lost and separated

33% to 66%

The Skedaddlers

The most common group for Slingshots, High Performance Cars, and Aggressive Motorcycles..  This group WILL NOT have a tail gunner.  Each rider is responsible for the vehicle in front of them. 
YOU belong in this group if YOU….

  • Think posted speed limits on curves are suggestions

  • Can keep up with the vehicle in front of you.

  • Are comfortable with your driving skills in the mountains

  • Prefer to ride the road instead of look at scenery.

This group will be…

  • The second group to depart

  • May be separated at times

  • Will be limited to 20 vehicles per group (if we have enough ride leaders)

66% or higher!

The Rubber Neckers

The most common group for Motorcycles, Jeeps and Casual Slingshot drivers.  This group WILL have a tail gunner.  Each rider is responsible for the vehicle in front of them and behind them. 
YOU belong in this group if YOU….

  • Drive at or below the posted speed limits on curves

  • Enjoy a relaxing ride where your forearms don’t ache after the ride.

  • Your first group ride, or are not comfortable with large groups

  • Prefer rides with scenery instead of constant curves

This group will be…

  • The last group to depart (so you get to sleep in!)

  • Most likely to stick together, if separated the Tail Gunner will step up and lead.

  • Will be limited to 30 vehicles per group (if we have enough ride leaders)